Thursday, February 25, 2010

Holy Skittles! Meg Got Fired!

So this afternoon I was twittering around and I noticed this Tweet from my favorite blogger:
"to clarify: no i'm not joking; i think they're going to sue me for defamation, i guess? and i love you guys too!"

So naturally, I had to click on 2b1b's twitter page and see what was up...and turns out Meggles got FIRED!!! for BLOGGING!!! Holy Seanvote!!!! People can actually get FIRED for BLOGGING??? I mean whoa. That is intense. Makes me a wee-bit nervous about what I write in here now. Granted, I know I haven't been graced with "Boss#1's presence" nor have I ever had the luxury of the most awkward stories in the world, but I have alluded to my boss on occasion.
And I can't believe that I could get fired for that! And potentially SUED FOR DEFAMATION! What the crap? and Holy Seanvote people!! I don't know what I would do - the truth is, I'd be totally screwed if that happened. And my life would go to hell in a handbasket and I would probably have to move back in with my parents and cry myself to sleep every night. As much as I get tired/bored/cranky/frustrated with my job, I would rather rub my face on a cheese-grater than be unemployed and live with my parents again.

Anyway, today, I salute you, Queen of the Blogosphere, Meghan. Only you know how to brighten my day with the wit, sarcasm, and snarkiness that I need to get through my afternoons. Your getting-fired only proves how truly dedicated you are to the art of blogging - as I can recount on numerous occasions, you being worried about getting fired and that your bosses would find out about your blog, yet you continued to shower your readers with amazing stories. Yes, you threw caution to the wind and dared to unleash the DRAMZ of the workplace to us on a regular basis. So pour yourself a tall glass of Jäger, and begin to enjoy the drunken debauchery that IS unemployment.

You're in our hearts Meggles.


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