Wednesday, August 25, 2010

E-dating = Overwhelming

I feel like all anyone is talking about anymore is e-dating. 2 months ago, it wasn't anywhere NEAR my radar and now, it's everywhere. For example, I've found it with the good, the "interesting", the bad, and the fugly.

And I'm sure that I'm subconsciously stumbling upon these articles and websites because I'm part of that world right now, but it really seems odd that everywhere I turn, there they are. Something else I've realized recently is that online dating is all about how much of yourself you want to put into it - that's how much you'll get out of it. I find myself getting wrapped up into the emails and the winks when I've found a guy who suits my interests and is a good conversationalist. But when there's a week of lull from their end, there's a lack of effort and time spent on the site on my end. This week has been slightly overwhelming.
Cameron is the newest force of nature to hit my radar and he's very quick to respond, which makes me be quicker to respond than I normally would be. I do admit though, I have to craftily word my emails to him so it actually takes me longer to respond than I want to at times because his wit and humor are something I want to match and keep up with. Not the easiest thing to do when you're working all day. But power through, I must.

Adam is still on my radar but I honestly can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I've seen him. Summer travels will be over soon though, I suppose, so perhaps that relationship will flourish a little more in the coming weeks. But dating becomes a little overwhelming and stressful when I'm trying to manage a regular social life in addition to meeting and dating new boys. Between the wedding I'm attending this weekend and working on Sunday, it doesn't leave a lot of time for playing with my "new-found-friends". And how on earth do I expect to train and get ready for my half marathon if I'm busy galivanting every afternoon meeting a new guy for coffee or happy hour after work? I wonder if there's a "hold" option for e-dating. "Yes, excuse me, would you mind freezing my match account (and the guys for that matter) for 2 months while I get my life together? I simply can't squeeze all the men I've met in the first month into my social life until after Halloween. KThanks!"

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the story of My life. I have been doing the e-dating thing since the beginning of the year and its so exhausting and overwhelming. I tried to fit in all the guys into my social schedule but sometimes you just can't. Ive got some funny stories on my blog too. Not lately - but some doozies. "Worst to...well atleast a hell of a lot better!" is my personal favorite date post!
