Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pre-lude to the Office Christmas Party

Ok, gotta make this short and sweet because my office christmas party is in t minus 2 hours and I still have loads of work to do. I can't decide how I feel about this year's office christmas party. Granted, it hasn't occurred yet so i'm sure I'll have some opinion of it by 6:00 tonight but let me just enlighten you on how the office christmas party has run in the past and why I'm a little frustrated about this afternoon. So back in 2007, when the economy was just headed for the shitter and not actually IN the shitter, I had been at my job for about 7 months when Christmas time came around. I was still getting to know everyone in the office and, while I was younger than everyone by about 15 years, I still felt like an adult and that I'd be able to relate to my co-workers on some level. After all, I had a boyfriend of a year and 3 months, I felt mature, I'd finished college and done an internship. I was a professional! A 20-something professional! Doing what I had gone to school for (which is more than I can say for a lot of my friends - not hating, just stating fact). So my boss Dan (from Back from My Business Trip fame) and his wife Dora (i know, so cute isn't it? Dan and Dora! don't you just want to eat them up?) Hosted an office Christmas party at their house. which is in a country club.
 and is twice the size of my parent's house, which is saying something. And the booze was flowing! And everyone brought their husbands/wives/significant others...except me b/c my "awesome" boyfriend at the time couldn't make it. The party was pretty fun, save for the awkward conversation with one of the divorced fathers who worked with me at the time who told me 4 or 5 times that I'm "going to make some lucky man really happy one day" (creep factor: 10. he's old enough to be my dad and made me feel like he would make a pass at me if we didn't work together ::shudder:: still creeps me out to think about). So, save for that one awkward, never ending conversation that I couldn't get out of, I had a pretty good time at the Office Christmas party. I mean after all, I was 22 and a booze hound so open bar = cha-ching. not to mention it made me feel like a true adult, going to this party with co-workers, in the real world, not a college frat party - it was a change of pace for me but in a good way.

Last year though, the economy took a hit and Christmas came and went without so much as an acknowledgement of the holiday. No bonuses, no party, no company lunch, nothin. So we went from open-bar-drunk-ass-party-evening-at-the-boss's-house to december-came-and-went-and-we-didn't-bat-an-eye.

This year is a little bit of a compromise of the two I guess? We're having a party, IN the office. With games. And a little booze. From 4-6. and there will be karaoke. and all I can think about is the episode of the office in Season 3: A Benihana Christmas, where Kevin sings Alanis Morissette: You Oughta Know and Angela sings Little Drummer Boy while Dwight holds the mic (sorry, I looked for a link to this video but can't find one...) And I'm honestly a little scared for my life. Scared to be embarrassed of myself and my coworkers. See, remember when I mentioned that I'm the youngest one here by 15 years? I truly mean that, save for one or two part-timers. So when these older co-workers embarrass themselves, I feel like I'm 15 and in high school embarrassed by one of my parents. I'll shift my eyes uncomfortably and try to look away out of embarrassment for them, but it's kind of like a bad car wreck. You simply have to watch and endure the uncomfortable-ness (is that a word). Oi Vey, why aren't I Jewish? All I know is that I hope we all get boozed up enough to not care (or at least I get boozed up enough to not care), otherwise I'll probably want to just stick my face on a cheese grater. And to make matters worse, I am known around the office as "the singer" because I mentioned once that I sing w/ 2 of my friends on thursday nights occasionally. So I guarantee you that I'm going to be asked to sing in front of everyone, which I'm not too thrilled about. Again, I really hope I get too boozed up to care. But I just hate the "oh my goodness, you have such a good voice! Wow! Do you sing a lot?" And I'm not sitting here trying to toot my own horn (well, maybe I am but still...) but it's just so embarrassing AND, I sound like shit right now because my nose is stopped up and I can hardly breathe, so that's attractive. And if I don't sing they're going to think I'm a poor sport. And if I do sing then I'm going to get all this extra attention that I don't want, and I'm going to sound shitty doing it! Ugh, again, hope I get boozed up enough not to care. Expect a full report from me tomorrow on how it all goes down.

Oh, and wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.



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