Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sweet Dreams Are Made of These...?

Ok, this morning I was in one of those dreams where I absolutely couldn't wake up. I hit my snooze legit 15 times and I kept picking up right where I left off before the alarm started ringing. One of my childhood best friends has recently gotten engaged (like for realz, not just in the dream) and all of a sudden I'm her wedding planner/maid of honor. This is the most ridiculous thing in the world, first of all. I mean, yes, we're still friends and I'm sure I'll be invited to the wedding but...maid of honor? No. In no way, shape or form is that happening. And unless I'm subconsciously desiring to quit my day job and become a wedding planner a la J Lo in the loveable Matthew McConaughey chick flick, I don't see that happening either. But it was weird.

We were out in some beautiful deserted island with horses and I was making sure everyone was in their proper places for the rehearsal. But her fiancee wasn't there. Not in a "he's not showing up at the altar" kind of way, just he wasn't in the dream. It was just me, the bride and a bunch of semi-familiar faces from our past. There was Becky who I haven't seen in about 2 years. Marvin who was our summer camp counselor when we were 8 and his then-girlfriend Jessica who used to babysit us. In addition to all the wedding madness that was going on, I kept freaking out because I was supposed to be dog-sitting for Becky's two GIANORMOUS dogs who scare the crap out of me. She had left me all the information about the dates to dogsit and I had completely forgotten to go feed them, take them out for an entire day (probably because of the wedding). So I'm flipping out scared that there's going to be dog shit all over her house and thinking she's going to kill me. But for some reason I absolutely can't make myself get to her house to see if the dogs are ok. (Zack Morris Time Out: If you know me at all, you know that no one would ever ask me to dog-sit for them. That's totally LOLZ Hilarious and it's about the last thing in the world that I would be good at. Not that I don't think dogs are cute as can be and most of the time really sweet, but my love for animals stops at petting them. I don't like when they're in my personal space and jump up on me. I don't like when they chew up or scratch things or pee on the carpet. I don't like when they won't stop barking or meowing. I just think they're cute to look at and pet. Someone else can take care of them though. Zack Morris Time IN)

So I keep drifting back to sleep and every time I hear my alarm, I have a freakout about the dogs. It almost felt like Groundhog Day. I simply couldn't get out of this part of the dream. My panic attack happened over and over and over. I even got up, went to the bathroom, came back to bed to sleep for 10 minutes and it happened AGAIN!

When I finally came-to this morning, I realized there is no dog-sitting appointment. I am not going to be murdered in my sleep for my lack of responsibility and dog-sitting skills. But I gotta planner? Seriously? Why on earth would I dream that?

Anyway, today I've been totally disoriented about the whole thing and I figured the only way to make any sense of this dream is to write about it. But it still hasn't done me much good. Sorry guys, tomorrow will hopefully be a better post and a better dream. Til then...

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