Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nail on the Head: Ambiguous Dating

We've all been there - we get ourselves into what we think is a "relationship" - hanging out with someone pretty frequently, taking things a little further and then you cross an invisible line and wonder "where is this going?" Time to DTR, right? Of course, you don't want to be the one to do it. And men are kings of ambiguity these days. Well, today I've found an article that can totally help all of us who want to broach this subject with our man but haven't figured out the best way to do it. I present to you: 5 ways to tell if he's really, actually looking for a relationship.

I wish I had read this 5 years ago and memorized it. It would have saved me a lot of heartache and wasted time. Sure it's a bit ballsy to be the one to start "the talk" but in the end, it's so worth it.

Why do we shy away from this so much? I think it's ultimately because deep down we either know, or we're afraid that the guy is going to tell us he's not looking for a relationship right now. And that just sucks sometimes. Especially when the chemistry is there and the hook-ups are great - no one wants that to end! And if you've gotten to know him and invested some of yourself in the "relationship" that's not a relationship yet, then you definitely feel like you might lose him completely if he's not ready for what you're ready for. And how do you go back to being "just friends" when you never really were in the first place? Read the signs in the beginning, that's how. And girls, we all know by now to keep our guard up at first - don't forget that. The biggest thing in all of this is really, actually be honest with yourself when you ask yourself these questions and put him to the tests. Don't let it slide or "overlook" something that is red-flagging you in the face.

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